spartito u2 -- the joshua tree: authentic record transc
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U2 -- The Joshua Tree: Authentic Record Transcriptions
Editorial ReviewsProduct DescriptionTitles are: Where the Streets Have No Name* I Stl Haven't Found What I'm Looking For* With or Without You* Bullet the Blue Sky* Running to Stand Stl* Red Hl Mining Town* In God's Country* Trip Through Your Wires* One Tree Hl* Exit* Mothers of the Disappeared.Product Detas
* Sheet music: 120 pages * Publisher: Alfred Publishing (November 1, 1999) * Language: English * ISBN-10: 0711913153 * ISBN-13: 978-0711913158 * Product Dimensions: 11.8 x 9 x 0.4 inches * Shipping Weight: 1 pounds